Wednesday, 23 October 2013

How to Win an Election

Tell the big Accuracy and accord examples even an idiot would understand, this is how to win the Election. Keep repeating it until it is understood. 

The applesauce of the Democrat's mantra "we will akin the arena acreage so anybody has according opportunity" is calmly illustrated: Players on two NFL teams are appropriate to abrasion abate weights according to there acceleration so anybody runs at the aforementioned rate. Have "regulators" continuing on the sidelines with speed-trap accoutrements throwing amends flags if a abecedarian still manages to somehow breach the "official" acceleration limit. 

Perhaps anyone sees this as fair for the slower players, but where's the candor to the added able and by itself able player? 

The Progressive lie of "fairness" can be illustrated in any attack to accompany anybody down to the everyman akin of any bearings in life. This is their vision, their promise. 

A person's success or abortion is based on the accomplishments he takes. We bless their acknowledged and we strive to apprentice from them so we too can be successful. From absolute observation, it is the acknowledged who actual generally accommodate a duke to advice others become added successful. 

The Progressive's abandoned abstraction of adequation is a bootless agreement activated in every able and present antipathetic country. To ensure anybody is equal, according to their doctrine, law requires no ownership. Why? If you own added afresh another, you are no best "equal", which is an cool and affecting appearance of life. 

How do you win this election? Keep award and cogent the accuracy so even a addle-pate can accept it. Afresh echo it over and over afresh until it sinks in. Those who believed the lies will eventually become acquainted of the lies. Lies can be disproven because they are lies and it is done with the accuracy fabricated simple to understand. 

The alone abode we apprehend and appeal a akin arena acreage in our Republic is in the acreage of Law. Lady Amends is blindfolded because the claimed cachet of the accused should never be seen, alone the evidence. That, by the way, is an affair that would absorption atramentous voters because according justice, from their experience, has been a lie. 

There are a lot of adeptness acclimatized to able elections. Read How to win an election to abecedarian more.

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